About Us

Welcome to The Lutheran Church of the Incarnate Word. We are a congregation of the Upstate New York Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. We are a community of faith who believes that loving God and loving neighbor are all that matter.

We are a community of faith that believes love is lived out in community where all people without exception are valued for the precious gifts of God that they are; where all people without exception know they have a place at God’s table forever.

We are a community of faith that believes love is lived out beyond the walls of the congregation, as we strive daily to be a relevant presence in our neighborhood and city, answering the prophet Micah’s call to “do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God”.

We are a community of faith that believes love is lived out in radical hospitality where strangers are welcomed and given refuge in our midst.

We are a community of faith committed to breaking down walls that divide. To that end, we are a Reconciling in Christ congregation which opens wide its doors to people of all sexual orientations and gender identities, their partners, spouses, and their families, and those who may have been excluded because of other distinctions such as race, economic status, ability, age or station in life.

You who hunger and thirst for wholeness, connectedness, and a sense of shalom, there is a place here for you. Join us on the journey of loving, learning, celebrating, singing, caring, growing, and serving.
